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On-demand training in contemporary statistics by experts

Overseen by world-class researchers in statistics, advanced R programming, environmental chemistry and ecotoxicolgy, and environmental risk assessment to ensure delivery of the best tools and advice to ecotoxicologists.

Our philosophy is straightforward:

• make it as simple as possible, but no simpler (thanks Albert)
• keep it affordable
• make it relevant

We realize there is a lot of good free material available. But sometimes it’s a case of ‘you get what you pay for’. Statistical ecotoxicology occupies a niche area in the scientific landscape and unfortunately, there are few PhD-level statisticians whose understanding of ecotoxicology is matched by their understanding of statistics. Principal statistician, Professor David Fox, is a world-renowned leader in statistical ecotoxicology. He has over 40 years’ experience working in universities in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. He has held senior research and research management positions in CSIRO and continues to provide advanced statistical services to industry, government, and academia through ECOTOX-U’s parent company, Environmetrics Australia.

We’re delighted you’ve landed at the doorstep of ECOTOX-U and look forward to working with you as you develop your skills in statistics using this state-of-the-art learning management system.


New - nsecR package!

Kick off the New Year and learn how to compute an NSEC using R.
For a hands-on approach, try our interactive vignette. Click here to get started.

Alternatively, watch this video for information and instructions on the new R package nsecR.