Welcome! Forums ssdtools update ssdtools – interim fix

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        On Jan 4, 2024 I sent an email advising users not to use the CRAN version of ssdtools for obtaining model-averaged HCx estimates. Since that time I have had a number of queries asking when the issue will be fixed and what can be done in the meantime. This post addresses both questions.

         What’s the timeframe for the release of an officially-endorsed version of ssdtools?

        I can’t speak for the processes and timeframes for government approval of ssdtools, but what I can say is that we (the development team) have fixed the known issues affecting the computation of both point and interval model-averaged HCx estimates. We still have more work to do on ssdtools and so an update to the CRAN version is a little ways off – we estimate 2-3 months away.

        What can I do in the meantime?

        We have a devlopmental branch of ssdtools on Github. The latest version (v1.0.6.9009) embeds the corrections referred to in 1 above.

        Please click here for instructions.

        • This topic was modified 9 months ago by david.fox.
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