Short Course – Model Averaging
Get a head start on the latest developments in SSD modelling!This is an essential course if you are a practising ecotoxicologist who has an interest in:
Get a head start on the latest developments in SSD modelling!This is an essential course if you are a practising ecotoxicologist who has an interest in:
An interactive meeting with Professor David Fox (ECOTOX-U), Dr. Graeme Batley (CSIRO), Dr. Rick van Dam (WQadvice), Dr. Rebecca Fisher (AIMS), Dr. Joe Thorley (Poisson Consulting) and Ms. Yulia Cuthbertson (DCCEEW)While not without its problems and limitations, Burrlioz has served the Australian-New Zealand Ecotox community incredibly well over the past ~ 25 years. It's now […]
Learn about all the latest developments in CR modelling covering both Frequentist and Bayesian frameworks.